Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Don't You Do?

Damn, what don’t you do?

The other day I was having a conversation with one of my TWEEPS. We were chatting back and forth talking about what we do and things we like. I had just finished talked about working full time, playing derby, and volunteering. His response was “Damn, what don’t you do?” My immediate response was “A Lot”. I thought about it for a minute. On the exterior it does look like I do a lot. I work in behavioral health most often more than my required 40 hours. I play roller derby when I’m not injured. I still volunteer for the Fire Department and currently help train the new volunteers. It keeps me busy. But here’s what I don’t do…

• Budget well

• Hell, budget at all

• Work out consistently

• Eat Healthy

• Finish whatever project I start

• Check my voicemail

• Call my mom enough

• Get up on time, ever

• Return movies/books/loaned items on time

• Think before I speak

• Talk about my feelings

• Do dishes on the regular

• Exfoliate

• Mail cards out on time. I sign them, address them, and put them in my work bag…I still have valentines cards in there. Oops

• Stick to any list I’ve ever made

• Remember peoples birthdays

• Prioritize. Anything

• Spel

• Use correct grammar? Use grammar correctly? Speak English Good

• Take medications according to directions

• Follow doctor’s orders

• Remember anyone’s birthday

• Clean out my fridge

• Plan ahead

There are probably several other things I can put on here but I don’t want to depress you, or me, for that matter. Truth be told its further proof that I am a three not a five.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Review of Progress

It’s February, and as usual, I am reviewing last year’s resolutions and getting ready to make this year’s. Yes I do realize that I am over a month late but do you expect any less from me? Here is one of my resolutions from last year as seen on this very blog.


My New Year's Resolution

Right now it is my goal to work on posting (at the very least) weekly on this blog. Wish me luck.

Posted by Alicia at 4:30 PM

And now for the count of blog posts in 2010……four, on this blog at least…two on my other. Regardless, I FAIL. And the thing is I can’t really come up with a reason for not keeping up. I have had plenty of blog fodder to write about. I just can’t seem to motivate myself to sit down and write about any of it. I am not really accountable to anyone but myself. But looking back on the year I have so many gems that I could write about such as:

• The puke and rally incident Florida

• Almost missing my plane in Florida

• My yearly performance review

• 48 hours of no sleep in Maine

• The HCG diet debacle

• Talladega trip (not limited to the flat tire, speeding ticket, and 28 hour drive with no sleep)

• New Year’s eve dinner

• Girls Night Out modeling experiencing

• New Year’s Eve at American Junkie

• And of course two months of being single = loads of trouble

Although it is quite ironic that the blog I started about being half assed has truly become half assed. But with the beginning of the New Year, comes new priorities and writing is one of them. I promise. On a scale of 1-5 I’d say a 3…

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'll take a C for Effort...

I am a lazy ass. I am trust me, this I know well. Ever since my shoulder started hurting in mid-December I have become more and more lazy with going to the gym. I know there are plenty of things I can do at the Gym that does not involve shoulder movement but still I’m not there. It’s been two weeks since I had surgery and here I sit typing about how lazy I am. In my head, I am a chiseled specimen running 6 miles every day and lifting 3 times a week. My body is lean and toned, nicely bronzed by the Arizona sun. In reality I’m sitting in my recliner with Mexican rice clinging to my boob from my freshly inhaled dinner (did I even taste it)? I try hard I promise. Maybe it’s the ADHD (isn’t it always?). I start off each day with every intention that THIS is the day it changes. I start off well, fruits for breakfast limited grains but by the time I lay my head down at night I am back to my same old lazy self. Today for instance, lunch time rolls around and I am so caught up in evaluations and prepping for my meeting that when my co-worker asks if I want Pete’s Fish and Chips for lunch I answer “yes” without even thinking. When the food arrives I’m instantly disgusted with myself for caving in but I eat it any way (remember I’m a 3, not stupid) and enjoy every bit of fried goodness. Another example of my ineptitude at movement; I have tried 3 times in the last two weeks to go to the gym. And by tried I mean thought about it, planned it out, dressed, and then didn’t go. THREE TIMES. I could blame it on my shoulder. I admit, it hurts like hell, a lot, so by the time the day is over I’m ready to call it a day and not do anything. But who does this. Here I am with all sorts of internal motivation looking supper hot (in my head) in my skimpy bikini frolicking in the ocean and instead of doing anything about I’m sitting in my recliner wearing work out pants, sports bra, tank top, and gym shoes…watching Dog the Bounty Hunter…eating this…

At least if Dog showed up at my door I would look like I actually work out. I’ll take that C for effort coach…

Monday, December 13, 2010

Why Alcohol makes me fat

Its the sugar right?  Nope not it at all.  People will have you believe it tho.  This is why alcohol makes me fat and why it should be banned now that I am back on Weight Watchers.

Last Saturday night, Ish and I were at his co-workers house hanging out after their shift was over.  The plan was to have a drink or two, watch a movie, and then head home.  And for the most part we did just that.  I did not over indulge in alcohol by any means.  I was fine to drive no issue there.  However, alcohol, no matter how small amount you ingest, KILLS your judgement.  Here is what went down.

(We have just waved goodbye to Chance and are hopping in my truck to drive home)

Ish: Hey babe, what should we have for supper (note the time is 3:05am)

Me: Hmm well its a bit past supper time and not quite breakfast, The only places that are open is fast food

Ish: That's okay

Me: I though yout weren't a fan of fast food

Ish: I'm not, but I'm hungry so its okay.

Me:  Hey let's go to Whataburger

Ish: That sounds so good.

Me: Whataburget it is.  I wonder how many points I have left.  Oh wait it's technically Sunday which means my points are reset.

Ish: Huh

Me: Never mind.  I'm good

Whataburger:  Welcome to Whataburger how may I help you today

Me: Yes I'd like a bacon cheeseburger meal large size with a diet coke, a chicken tender salad.....

Guess which one was mine.

Oh alcohol you are not my friend.

not what I would want to see (imported)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

not what I would want to see

Dear Building Planner of El Aye Fitness,

I'm not quite sure what you were thinking when you planned the lay out of one of your fitness clubs. This particular club has the lap pool and hot tub situated at the front of the building. This in and of itself is not a problem. The problem that I have are the floor to ceiling windows not only looking into the pool area from inside the club but the floor to ceiling windowns looking into the pool area from the parking lot. Now I can kind of forgive the windows looking into pool from the club, at lease i know the people have to pay good money to look at my fat ass waddeling to and from the pool and hot tub. But I have a bit of a problem with the ones from the parking lot to the pool. The last thing I want is somebody driving by the gym to look in (perhaps they are thinking of joining) and see me, in all my beached whale glory in a suit a size too small because I have too much pride to buy a bigger suit. Seriously what is a new client going to think when they pull up and see me as representative of the El Aye Fitness Clientel? As a club owner I would not want that. I would be locking up that pool area with maybe windows overhead or at least really high up on the walls. Seriously. I know that people are supposed to go to the gym to get in shape and get healthier, but I am not exactly the poster child for Fitness Goals R' Us. And so here I am, researching prices for weight watchers yet again, because I just cant do this on my own. Everytime I try I fail miserably and end up gaining ten pounds because I can't control my need to eat crappy food that tastes or so good. So off I go again into the glorious realm of weight loss and get fit.

I Choose You Sweat Sock Smell

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I Choose You Sweat Sock Smell

I don’t get people. Really, truly, I don’t understand what it is that goes through their heads sometimes. In no way am I saying I’m perfect, trust me I AM NOT. I just like to think that I have some sense of tact and social accountability. Let me set the scene.

Location: The Infamous El Aye Fitness

Time: Who knows? I was working out

Situation: um who? Ha Ha I kill me.

So here I am at the gym getting my sweat on. I hate the gym. I hate working out. I hate sweating where people can see me. I used to like the gym, about 30 less pounds ago, but one cannot loose wait by Wii Fit alone so I go. I am reminded everyday why I hate going. It’s more than just the effort to get there. It’s the act of packing my stuff because I have to have a full shower before going home to sleep. It’s the actual drive to the gym. Its parking and walking into a locker room that still, no matter how nice and clean it looks, smells like feet. It’s the PEOPLE, oh sweet lord the people. I’m not a people person and I am definitely not a stupid people person. I can get past the people lifting in bad form. Maybe having a trainer spoiled me. Maybe taking some physiology and some strength training classes has inflated my ego a little. Sometimes I just want to snap a picture and caption it “epic fail” but I don’t. Mainly for fear that I am too large to get away in time. I can roll with it I guess. I can deal with people singing along with their IPODS. This is actually amusing because there is usually a line of IPOD singers on the treadmill (myself included) singing along and turning the cardio area into a scene from the “Sing Off” cast off try outs. Seriously people, we can’t sing.

But the number one cardinal infraction can be illustrated as such. I am on the stair-master having completed 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training before my cool down. I am lost in my world of gossip magazines and sweat when suddenly the air gets caught in my throat. WTH? I quickly scan my systems; lungs okay, muscles okay, heart rate steady, sweat production extensive. What would this be? I breathe in through my nose and it happens again. Stopped mid inhale and it won’t budge. I’m overcome with a sharp pain right between my eyes across the bridge of my nose. Seriously what is this? It takes a minute for it to register, its perfume. Ughhhhh. I immediately start gagging at the thought and the fact that I have now missed about five decent breaths of air. As I look around for the offender it hits me so hard I nearly fall of the treadmill. I can’t take it. It’s not just perfume its heavy floral scented that reminds me of my Kindergarten teachers. A smell once overpowering yet comforting is not downright nauseating. I understand the need to cover up the smell of ones sweat. That is what deodorant is for. Not perfume. The culprit? An older woman using the treadmill two machines over from me. For a minute I felt remorseful for wishing ill upon my others. That was instantly forgotten when I did get so light headed that I seriously tripped on the stairs.

LADIES, don’t wear perfume to the gym. Really. I’d rather smell body odor work out stink then be overcome with ew de floral shop. Some of us are sensitive to smells. Especially when huffing and puffing on the stair stepper while completely out of shape. I’ve had times where I’m tempting to spritz some spray on out of fear of my rankness but I remember how much more intense floral perfume is when paired with the smell of sweat socks. So please do us all a favor, don’t do it. And God have mercy on your soul if you are wearing perfume and have bad form on the Lat Pull Downs because then, I will have to say something.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Midnight Madness My Way

Pop culture has given several definitions to the term Midnight Madness. It can mean anything from an all night scavenger hunt, to a basketball tournament, to a song by The Chemical Brothers. I believe I have solidified my own definition of Midnight Madness in my very own apartment last night.

The mission (which i really had no choice to accept) was to complete my homework and get caught up on various work duties. Since I lost the majority of the afternoon at urgent care dealing with the bursitis in my hip (who I since named Brutus) I figured I would get caught up overnight with my work. Armed with my mountain of energy drinks and the worlds greatest gift to those of us with ADHD I set out upon a mission. A mission to be the most productive I have been in a long time. What I didn't realize is that passionate social worky people should never ever ever try this at home.

10:00pm: Me, driving home from practice washing down 20mg of Adderall with a sugar free monster. Mind you the Adderall is supposed to be taken in the morning as it is the extended release type as to not keep you up all night. Yes, I know that I am not following the prescribed instructions I get that, but don't act like you've never taken 5 advil at once. Time is irrelevant. It's not like I took 20 of them

10:30pm Arrive home, walk the dog, pay the rent, texting with Ish, hanging on my patio. Not so much different then any other night

11:00pm Chow down on some food, spend sometime on facebook, more talking to Ish, not so motivated

12:00am Start working on my Macro policy paper. I'm writing about House Bill 2148 and the adoption process. Thoughts are flowing quite nicely and my fingers are flying across the keyboard. I am mutli-tasking talking to Karla on text and Rob on the facebook chat

1:00am Crap, my three page paper is now 5.5 pages. Thats just all randomness thrown down in the order I thunk it. I haven't even moved things around and I have that many pages, in an hour. I am focused. I begin to cut and past and edit and find that I am extremely frustrated by the constraints for three pages. I have fabulous arguments that I can't even include. What is a cracked out social worker to do right now..

1:30am Editing complete I begin drafting my letter to my representative. Brilliant I am as I finish it in 10 minutes. I think I am really focused. Now its time for a break on the patio. My dog Cooper stares at me confused as to why I am not passed out like he is.

2:00am Time to pop in a movie and get some work done for my paid job. I decide Blues Brothers is appropriate. I hunker down and get organized and begin flying through mental health assessments and the subsequent computer business that goes with it. The movie is simply noise in the background and I pause only to sing the song "Think".

4:00am The movie is over and I am damn near caught up on my work. Oh shit, I am caught up, I could run a marathon right now. I can do anything....back to the patio I go.

5:00am Starting to get a bit sluggish, I turn on the coffee pot and decide to take a quick power nap of 20 minutes

5:20am Up again grab some coffee start facebook jump in the shower.

8:15 Crap! How am I late to work when I've been up all night....I don't even know what I did in the last three hours. I was awake but it was all a blur....

So needless to say, that was quite an experience and I was super productive. Unfortunately I was super tired the next day too so there are some pros and cons to this process. Maybe I need better time management skills, but that is something I choose to be lazy about.